Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Key to Not Wasting a Year

Ever get to the end of a day and wonder what you accomplished? Left work Friday planning great things for the next week only to not get them done. Began a new month feeling fresh and ready to make this one count in a big way, and then realize it was almost over? When is the last time New Years Eve rolled around and you knew deep down that the previous year was well spent. I find myself falling into this trap often and know I'm not alone (and if so that is NOT good). I have looked up some advice and want to share it with you.

First things first: Know where/who/what you want to be. One of my favorite quotes is from Alice in Wonderland (may have butchered it some but I know the gist)-
-Alice "Sir, could you tell me where to go"
-Cat "Where are you going"
-Alice "I don't much care"
- Cat "Then it doesn't much matter which way you go"

Moral of the story: Knowing where you want to end up is crucial to knowing what road to travel now. There's a mental exercise I have used that I think has a lot of value for this, called the perfect day. Sit down in a quiet place, with pen and paper or computer. Write out what the perfect, ideal day would look like for you. From waking up to going to sleep, to who you have conversations with, to what activities you would be engaged in, write it out. Be as detailed as you possibly can. There is something about putting your ideas on paper which helps your subconscious take hold of them and bring them into reality. Thanks to Art of Non-Conformity) for that.

Coming up in the next post will be more ways you can take control of your life and take some practical steps towards fulfillment and satisfaction in all that you do.

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